Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Getting excited

So I hadn't updated in a while because we've been really busy, and honestly I was worried about jinxing things.  After my last update, we did get some wonderful news!  I did actually ovulate on my own and got pregnant.  I'm 21 weeks and 1 day today!! The anatomy scan was last Tuesday, and we're having a little boy!  Everything on the ultrasound looked ok, but we did find out that Little Bear has a 2 vessel cord instead of the normal 3 vessels.  They also couldn't get a clear image of the outflows of his heart because of his positioning, but did note that everything did appear to be functioning normally.  We do now have an appointment with a MFM specialist for this coming Friday for them to get a better ultrasound and make sure that there are no issues besides the cord.  As long as all the other organs check out ok, then Little Bear and I will just be in for more ultrasounds and checks once we hit 28-30 weeks.  They'll be doing this because since his cord is missing one of two arteries, the cord and placenta have to work harder to keep up, and sometimes as you get further on, they may not be able to keep baby's growth consistent.  So far though, he's measuring a week ahead and weighed a predicted 15 oz at the 20 week mark (average for a 21 weeker is apparently 12.7 oz).  So they're all happy that he's measuring bigger now, and hopefully that will give him a bit of a head start if his growth does slow a little bit.

I still have to donate those medications to Dr. Irianni's office.  Honestly, I think I just wanted to be sure that at 20 weeks, baby looked healthy.  So now I have to psych myself into doing it, because I'm starting to feel a little silly that I still have them.  Part of the problem is that I'm still dealing with hyperemesis gravidarum, so I'm still tired all the time and not likely to go out by myself.  Though at least we've managed to get the vomiting and nausea mostly under control thanks to medications.

The house is still a work in progress, especially since I've been sick so often.  We'll get there eventually though, especially if I ever get some energy, because the mess is driving me nuts.  I do have some baby crafts in the works, so hopefully over the next couple months you'll get some crafty updates and maybe even some cooking ones as I'll be trying to build up a frozen dinner stash before Little Bear makes his appearance.

Hope you have a blessed day!

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