Monday, February 23, 2009

the sock!

So, here is my first (technically second, tho we won't count the true first since it was a mess) sock!
The sock itself...hopefully it's loses a little bit of the pointy toed-ness once it's been washed.and wearing it! it's very soft by the way!

I'm going to start its mate tonight. Right now, I'm so sleepy that I think I'll lay down for a nap with the kiddos. Oh, and this is the Basic Sock from Learn to Crochet Socks put out by the American School of Needlework. The design is by Kathy Wesley.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


This morning was a "shaped toast" morning (the kids' name for it), so I figured I'd take pictures and post them. The kids love these, though this morning after they started eating, they decided that next time they want what the other got today. Sometimes, you can't win.

This is A's breakfast. Those are supposed to be ducks. There's peanut butter, apple butter, and strawberry jam. (The ducks are actually almost a full piece of bread). He also had two more sections of tangerine.
And this is P's. Her's are sheep, same toppings as A's. She also had 2 more pieces of tangerine.

It's alive!!!

So I decided that a blog to post the stuff that I'm cooking or working on hobby-wise sounded like something fun to set up. I hope to be posting relatively often (motivation to finish up projects).