Monday, March 2, 2009

Italian Baked Chicken and Pastina

This was actually dinner during last week, but the batteries in my camera died, so just getting pictures uploaded now. My Mom made this meal while I was visiting for Christmas and it is so good that it's going to be a regular meal here. The recipe is here

The crescent rolls we had with dinner (from a can,don't tell the kids)...minus a few they ate to "tide them over" while the pasta and chicken were still baking. P declared it "yummy" while A decided it was "good as a bean", which doesn't really make much sense. He doesn't usually eat beans when I make them, but he positively shoveled this down. Now I'm just on the hunt for Lenten recipes since they're Catholic. Especially difficult since Fridays are meatless except for fish....and I'm not a big fish person. Oh well, we'll figure out something. On the agenda for the rest of the day:
laying clothes out for munchkins for the rest of the week
clean up the nuclear test site (aka my room)

Off to turn on The Corpse Bride and clean!


  1. WOW! You are quite the cook and baker. To think I've known you all these years and we are just now getting to know each other's talents. :) I am loving it! P and A sound like alot of fun. I love the way kids give compliments. I'm going to have to try the Italian Baked Chicken and Pastina. It surely does look yummy. I enjoy your sense of humor...nuclear test site! LOL sounds like a good description of my room when I was your age. LOL

  2. WOW! is it that I've known you all these years, Mary, and I never realized what a "natural" you are with kids. Not to mention all of your many talents! I'll be trying out the Italian Chicken Pastina sometime within the next week or so!

  3. Wow! How is it that I've known you all these years, Mary, and I'm just now learning what a "natural" you are with kids. Not to mention all of your talents you possess. I'll have to be trying this Italian Chicken Pastina sometime the next couple of weeks.

  4. I dare leave another comment? I was having issues trying to post. Guess you have figured that out by now. ROFL. I've got this thing down...hopefully you won't always get 4 comments from me with every post you do. :)
